Responsible Wood and our certificate holders are committed to Australian forests and their communities. They believe that forest based communities are stronger, healthier and happier when they can connect, understand, access and enjoy their local forests. We want to support building this connection through the 22-23 Responsible Wood Community Grants program.
The 22-23 Responsible Wood Community Grants program supports regional and rural Australian communities create and complete local forest based projects that suits both communities and the forests’ needs. Funding can be used for many different types of forest based projects, and may include; the construction or upgrade of picnic facilities, tracks, interpretive signage, forest rehabilitation or habitat improvement, bushfire related commemorations or forest based art installations.
Responsible Wood is encouraging groups such as, registered charities, Landcare or local environmental organisations, Men’s sheds, local incorporated groups, sporting clubs, art groups, councils, education institutions, registered bike or bushwalking clubs and or Indigenous organisations to come up with some creative ideas about how to better access or enjoy forests and submit a grant application.
The funding available per project is between $2 000 and $15 000 and the applications close on 31st October with the project to be completed by 31st May 2023.
>> Find out more, visit the Responsible Wood website full full details and how to apply.